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The Wine & Beer
In April 2011, the Culture & Heritage Department
of the City of Le Havre offer to La BaZooKa to invest the building nicknamed the "Wine & Beer" on a sharing mode.
This building was built in 1950 by architect Jean
Le Soudier, witness of the reconstruction period from
Le Havre. It is now a real living place for resident artists :
La BaZooKa and Sac de Noeud.
It is also a place of welcome for the rehearsals of companies, mainly choreographic, upon request.
Since 2013, thanks to an equipment grant from the Normandy Region and the City of Le Havre, the place
has a rehearsal studio (width 7m, length = 11m,
heigth = 5.5m) equipped with a dance floor.

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