"A woman draws an intimate landscape made of epic and domestic fights.
From battles to rest, from dances to solitary rituals, she invokes a spirit.
A spirit that proves to be devilishly possessive..."
Immersed in the fairy of 1950s samurai films, "Solo OO" perform a play of sensitive and delirious adventures.
Conception & Realisation
La BaZooKa (Sarah Crépin & Etienne Cuppens)
Artistic collaboration Marie Rual
Performance Sarah Crépin, Vincent Le Bodo & Marie Rual
Light Christophe Olivier
Costumes Fabien Almakiewicz, Marion Egner, Alexandra Gilbert & Juliette Seigneur.
Technical collaboration Philippe Ferbourg, Vincent Le Bodo et Max Sautai
Sound extracts from Akira Kurosawa's movies Seven samourai, Drunken angel & The Hidden Fortress
Musics American indian song, Jungle Boogie interpreted by Shizuko Kasagi, Drumming Steve Reich & Johnny Guitare interpreted by Luis Mariano
Production & Diffusion Emilie Podevin
Administration Diane Ribouillard
Production La BaZooKa
Coproductions Ballet de l’Opéra national du Rhin, Centre Chorégraphique National de Mulhouse (Accueil Studio 2019)
POLE-SUD, Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National de Strasbourg (Accueil Studio 2019)
Ballet du Nord, Centre Chorégraphique National de Roubaix Hauts-de-France
Residencies Villa Salammbô : La BaZooKa won a residency program from the French Institute in Tunis. Le Phare, Centre Chorégraphique National du Havre Normandie. Théâtre du Marché aux Grains, Atelier de Fabrique Artistique, Bouxwiller (in relation with the "Accueil Studio" granted by CCN Ballet de l’Opéra national du Rhin). POLE-SUD, Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National de Strasbourg (Accueil Studio 2019). Théâtre des Bains Douches (Le Havre).

previous dates
VANVES (92) – Théâtre de Vanves – « Faits d'Hiver » Festival (organized by Micadanses Paris) - Monday, February 3 (9:00 pm)
With the support of ODIA Normandie
LE HAVRE (76) – Théâtre des Bains-Douches – « Pharenheit » Festival (organized by Le Phare CCN du Havre Normandie) - Thursday, February 6 (7:00 pm) & Friday, February 7 (8:00 pm)
ROUBAIX (59) - Ballet du Nord CCN Roubaix Hauts-de-France - Label danse #2 CANCELED (due to COVID 19)
Saturday, April 4 - Extract