Nos rituels
One of the most surprising things about trying to recount a memory is that there are always hazy parts. While we may believe to be weaving a narrative that reflects reality in all its subjectivity, there’s always an inevitable splash of fiction that makes its way into the story. The storytellers in “Our Rituals” (Nos Rituels) come bearing their true stories, to progressively construct a collective memory. It’s a sea of sensations inviting us to play without limits…
“Our Rituals” (Nos Rituels) is a whimsical and radiant experience performed across an empty stage by seven individuals who share both the intense desire for levity as well as an affinity for ritualized dances where bodies are simply transported by the effectiveness of music. And chants! A rhythm that takes over to make space for total escape. Elements of the performance flow across each other in a delicious frenzy that conjures up long-forgotten emotions. Stories of infinite seas, manta rays, flutes, ungraspable angels, camping grounds, glistening bodies, Irish tap dancers and catastrophic Christmases past…. A choral portrait that celebrates the boiling, bubbling nature of life brought about by the presence of men, women, and does.
memories and doe's dances
Conception & Realisation La BaZooKa (Etienne Cuppens & Sarah Crépin)
With Théo Aucremanne, Alek Boff, Nicolas Chaigneau, Sarah Crépin, Laure Mathis, Maï Ogawa & Taya Skorokhodova
External Gaze
Claire Laureau
Sakiko Oishi
Costumes Marion Egner assisted by Nathalie Bréault
Lights Christophe Olivier
Alek Boff et Maï Ogawa On voit les Anges
Da Hool I met her at the love Parade
The Mills Brothers Chinatown
W.A. Mozart L’ho Perduta. Me Meschina
Production/Diffusion Emilie Podevin Administration Diane Ribouillard
Communication Louise Lorieux
Coproductions Le Volcan - Scène Nationale du Havre, Dieppe Scène Nationale, Les 2 Angles - Relais Culturel Régional de Flers
Hosts (studios) Le Phare - CCN du Havre-Normandie - Direction Emmanuelle Vo-Dinh (Accueil studio 2021)
Supports Théâtre des Bains Douches - Le Havre, Le Siroco - Saint Romain de Colbosc
La BaZooKa is a dance company which receives support from the town of Le Havre, the Région Normandie and the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication.
La BaZooKa received support from culturel policy department of Seine Maritime for Nos Rituels.

Previous performances
LE HAVRE (76) - Le Volcan - Scène nationale – Tuesday, Fabruary 22nd – PREMIERE
DIEPPE (76) - Dieppe Scène nationale – March, Tuesday, 1st
LE HAVRE (76) Le Volcan - Scène Nationale - Tuesday 4th October 2022
GONFREVILLE-L’ORCHER (76) Espace Culturel de la Pointe de Caux - Tuesday 23rd May 2023